Announcing Complete Halftime Shows!

I’m thrilled to announce that I am now able to offer complete marching band shows! This new line of products, called “Complete Marching Music Design,” is a series of field shows that include winds, synth, front ensemble, batterie percussion, graphic design, and sound design in one package. This package even includes all the copyright fees and paperwork as part of the price.

These shows are united by three guiding principles:

  1. These shows are proven winners. They have seen success at local, regional, and national competition venues throughout the country!

  2. They’re built for Friday night football audiences and weekend competitive marching panels. We know that these are two different audiences, but these shows successfully speak to both venues.

  3. They feature recognizable music in multiple, modern genres. And you don’t have to do any extra paperwork or pay any extra money for the licensing. It’s included in the show price!

What’s more, these shows are regionally protected, meaning that you won’t ever face another band performing your show at the same competitive venue. Have a look at these first offerings, to be joined by more shows in the future. Check it out in the online store!


Auburn University Marching Band Wins National Metallica Competition with Show Featuring my Arrangements